Brake Repair


Whether your brakes are squealing, or the brake pedal is vibrating when you hit the brakes, Autopro Service Center can help with all of your brake repairs.

Brakes are a part of vehicles that are usually overlooked until there is a significant problem with them. Your vehicle’s braking system consists of many different components, including rotors, brake fluid, brake pads, and brake shoes. Due to the constant use and repetitive functioning, brakes can wear out over time and need to be serviced every few months.

Whether your brake pedal is hard to push, or your hydraulic brake system is leaking fluid, we, at Autopro Service Center, can handle your brake repairs and servicing needs effectively.

Signs that you need brake repair services:

  1. There could be a problem with your vehicle’s brakes if one of the yellow or red brake light indicators automatically turns on your car’s dashboard. You need to consult a professional brake repair shop to take a look at this problem.
  1. There is a high-pitched screeching, squealing, rubbing, or grinding noise coming from your car indicates that there is an issue with your brakes. This problem usually occurs when the brake shoe or brake pad is worn out and starts contacting the drum, rotor, or brake disc. If you are also hearing any loud, strange metal squeals and noises while you are in motion, immediately bring your vehicle to Autopro Service Center for brake service and repair. Our brake repair technicians will inspect your brakes and metal tabs and carry out the necessary brake repairs to prevent unsafe driving conditions and any further damage to the drums and brake discs.
  2. Having uneven, bent, or warped rotors can cause your brake pedal to pulse up and down and produce wobbling and vibrations in the steering wheel. Our brake repair mechanics will resurface or replace the rotors, inspect the brake components for any hidden damage, and check if the brake caliper is functioning and releasing properly.
  3. A soft, spongy brake pedal is a major problem that should be addressed immediately. If you press the brake pedal, and it goes to the ground and won’t stop unless you pump it, it means that your braking or hydraulic system is not functioning properly. This problem can turn into a life-threatening condition if it is not fixed. Our technicians will inspect the master cylinder for any leaks and perform the necessary repairs if any issues are found.